Monthly Subscription (NT$) |
5G momobile |
$599 |
$799 |
$999 |
$1,199 |
$1,399 |
Contract Period |
24M |
Internet |
Included Data |
4GB |
8GB |
12GB |
20GB |
30GB |
Bonus Data during Contract Period |
24GB |
36GB |
60GB |
100GB |
Unlimited 5G data during Contract Period |
Excess Data Reduction |
< 12 Mbps |
< 21 Mbps |
< 50Mbps |
(Speed reduced to) |
No excess data charges after speed reduction. |
Voice Call |
Free Intra-Network Mins |
Unlimited |
Free Inter-Network Calls (min) |
60 |
90 |
120 |
160 |
220 |
Free Airtime |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Mobile Hotspot Data |
Extra data during Contract Period |
Hotspot Data Included to The Package |
50GB |
Excess Mobile Hotspot Data Reduction |
5Mbps |
10Mbps |
momo Dollar Rebate |
Monthly rebate |
100 |
150 |
200 |
300 |
400 |