Sustainable Partners and Code of conduct

Embrace “Creating Stakeholder Synergy” as the greatest driving force toward sustainability, and leverage Taiwan Mobile’s positive influence in the 5G and IoT era to promote global sustainable development partnerships.
Related Zetta Connected theme: Creating Stakeholder Synergy
Primary SDGs addressed: SDG17
Secondary SDG addressed: SDG 12, 13, 16
Material topics addressed: Supply chain management
Major stakeholders addressed:suppliers, employees, communities/NGOs, rating agencies
Key Results and Performance in 2023
  • Obtained ISO 20400:2017 certification
  • Conducted annual ESG assessment for 380 suppliers
  • Conducted carbon assessment for 76 tier-one significant suppliers
  • Successfully negotiated the inclusion of SBTi Net-zero Commitment in the contract with 1 supplier
  • Negotiated with 1 supplier (Tatung System Technologies Inc.) to develop a carbon reduction plan with reference to SBTi pathway and announce their carbon reduction target
  • Maintained a 100% signing rate for the " Declaration of Integrity in Business Conduct " and the " Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Guarantee for Contractors "
  • Negotiated with over 100 suppliers to sign the "Biodiversity Protection Commitment"
  • Deepened supplier engagement by organizing three large-scale communication meetings (Including: Supplier Conference, precision Carbon Reduction Forum, and training workshops)
2024 Goals
  • Continuously increase the carbon assessment coverage rate for tier-one significant suppliers
  • Maintain a 100% signing rate for the " Declaration of Integrity in Business Conduct " and the " Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Guarantee for Contractors "
  • Conduct the ESG sustainability desk assessments of at least 300 suppliers
  • Negotiate the signing of Aggregated Power Purchase’ letter of intent with high-carbon emission suppliers
2025 Goals
  • Achieve an 8% reduction in carbon emissions generated by the supply chain compared to 2020 base year
  • Continuously engage with 15 key carbon-emitting suppliers to establish SBTi target.
  • 100% GHG assessment for tier-one significant suppliers.
  • Maintain a 100% signing rate for the " Declaration of Integrity in Business Conduct " and the " Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Guarantee for Contractors "
Supplier Code of Conduct
Human Rights & Labor
  • Forced labor:
    Suppliers shall ensure that all work performed by workers is voluntary and that workers are free to leave their job or terminate their employment relationship through pre-employment notice. Please refer to Section 1, Forced Labor, pages 1-2 of the Supplier Code of Conduct.
  • Child labor:
    The use of child labor is prohibited in our code of conduct, for detail information please see “Section 1, Labor Rights & Human Rights”, “Prohibition of Using Child Labor”, page 2 of the Supplier Code of Conduct.
  • Working conditions:
    TWM’s code of conduct regulates working conditions including work hours and freedom of association. For detailed information, please see “Section 1, Labor Rights & Human Rights, Prohibition of Harsh Treatment and Harassment, Forced Labor, Work Hours, Wages & Benefits and Working Environment,” pages 1-3 of the Supplier Code of Conduct.
  • Occupational health and safety:
    TWM’s code of conduct regulate occupational health and safety issues such as Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Occupational Injuries & Diseases, and Health. For detail information please see “Section 2, Health and Safety”, page 3 of the Supplier Code of Conduct.
  • Discrimination and harassment:
    TWM’s code of conduct requires suppliers to not discriminate against workers in recruitment, promotion, rewards, training opportunities, work arrangements, wages, benefits, disciplinary actions, termination, and retirement based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, religion, political affiliation, union membership, nationality, or marital status. Please refer to “Section 1, Discrimination, page 1 of the Supplier Code of Conduct”. TWM also requires suppliers to commit to a workplace free of harassment. Please refer to “Section 1, Anti-discrimination, Prohibition of Harsh Treatment and Harassment, page 1 of the Supplier Code of Conduct.
  • Freedom of association and collective bargaining:
    TWM’s code of conduct require suppliers to commit to their workers' rights to freedom of association, the right to form and join labor organizations, the right to seek representation and collective bargaining rights. Please refer to “Section 1, Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining, page 2 of the Supplier Code of Conduct”.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption:
    We require suppliers to commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving energy. Please refer to “Section 3, Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Efficiency, page 4 of the Supplier Code of Conduct”.
  • Pollution prevention and waste management
    We regulate environmental issues such as hazardous materials management, wastewater and solid waste discharge, exhaust emission, energy conservation and environmental reporting in our code of conduct, for detailed information please see “Section 3, Environment”, pages 3-4 of the Supplier Code of Conduct.
  • Resource efficiency
    Taiwan Mobile’s Supplier Code of Conduct requires suppliers to strive to reduce or eliminate various forms of waste. Suppliers may improve resource efficiency by adjusting product design, manufacturing processes, improving raw material utilization, reducing waste, or by recycling, reusing, or substituting materials during production processes. Please refer to “Section 3, Improving Resource Efficiency, page 4 of the Supplier Code of Conduct.”
  • Biodiversity, no deforestation, or land conservation
    Taiwan Mobile’s Supplier Code of Conduct require suppliers to recognize the issue of biodiversity and understand TWM's commitment to biodiversity and no deforestation. They shall also identify the impact of their business operations on biodiversity, comply with relevant laws and regulations, and strive to mitigate environmental impacts. Please refer to “Section 3, Biodiversity and Deforestation-Free, page 4 of the Supplier Code of Conduct”.
Ethical Guidelines
  • Anti-corruption and conflict of interest:
    TWM’s code of conduct regulate anti-corruption and conflict of interest practices such as bribery or inappropriate revenues, facilitation payments, Fair Governance, Promotion & Competition, anti- competition….etc. For detailed information please see “Section 4, Ethical Guidelines”, page 5 of the Supplier Code of Conduct.
  • Anti-competitiveness:
    TWM’s code of conduct require suppliers to adhere to fair business practices and comply with anti-competitive clauses in promoting, selling, and competing. Please refer to “Section 4, Fair Business Practices, Promotion & Competition, page 5 of the Supplier Code of Conduct”.