Energy Management Program

Energy audits to identify opportunities for improving energy performance

Climate change is an issue of common concern to all mankind. TWM will continue to work towards the goal of controlling temperature rise within 1.5 degrees Celsius, developing climate strategies and moving towards net zero emissions, participating in relevant unions/associations, and advocating organizations in order to comply with the global climate accord of the ‘Paris Agreement’. TWM will minimize the footprint of the company and its value chain using the latest IoT and AI technologies, not only reduce the environmental impact but also create a more comfortable and beautiful ecosystem.

Quantified targets to address energy savings

The target of energy-saving was to reduce power consumption by 4.65 MWh and the actual amount saved was 14.01 MWh.

Actions to reduce the amount of energy use
  1. Energy-saving lamps(LED) were placed and the widespread use of transparent glass windows increases natural lighting and reduces the need for artificial lighting in offices.
  2. The server room service integration and optimization functions, which is including efficient air conditioning and power supply equipment air condition unit, cold and hot aisle, external air natural cooling system isolation and whole server room is equipped with LED lamps.
  3. Retail stores, through daily repairs and maintenance of equipment, established an equipment database and replacement of lights and and change of air conditioners with frequency convertors.
  4. The base station energy optimization function, which is including telecommunications equipment for smart energy savings: big data analysis of customer usage behavior to dynamically adjust the load of telecommunications equipment, diversified energy-saving methods for cell tower stations: big data is used to analyze the equipment that consumes the most energy, and diverse smart energy-saving methods are introduced.
Evaluation of progress in reducing energy consumption

Track energy consumption progress through management system, including vehicle monitoring system and energy management(ISO 50001).

Use of clean or green energy

There are 2 sources of our green energy:

  1. Self-owned electricity generated for self-use: Installed renewable energy facilities with a capacity of 0.3168 MW for cell tower stations, as well as our Taichung and Pingtung server rooms.
  2. Green power directly transmitted to TWM: Electricity purchased from other green power operators at a capacity of 30.7MW was transmitted to the Company's server rooms and cell tower stations.
Investments in innovation or R&D to decrease energy consumption

In 2023, Our Zhonghe Zhongzheng server room first attempt at AI energy-saving solution, to use big data analysis of IT devices loading and cooling load to dynamically adjust the load of chiller and water pumps, reduce about 81.271MWH power consumption.

Because of the good energy saving efficiency, in the future plans we will introduce step by step to applicable server rooms.

Energy efficiency training provided to employees to raise awareness of energy consumption reduction

TWM announces Environmental and Energy Policy, as well as relevant environmental regulations, on a regular basis every year. Employees are encouraged to actively participate in energy-saving and carbon-reduction efforts to contribute to the planet. Energy efficiency training is provided on the intranet. Additionally, monthly statistics on office water and electricity consumption, waste generation, and printer usage are shared to promote various energy-saving measures. This initiative aims to raise employees' awareness of energy consumption reduction, encouraging them to start with water conservation, electricity savings, and plastic reduction.

Total Nonrenewable Energy Consumption
Total energy consumption Unit FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 target for FY 2023
Total non- renewable energy consumption MWh 469,705.55
Total renewable energy consumption MWh 588.93 7618.39 26136.93
Data coverage (as % of denominator) percentage of: Revenue 100 100 100 100  
Total Costs of Energy Consumption
Items FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Gasoline (L) 799,110.18 902,299.26 632,244.84 608,340.39
Avg. price (NTD/L) 23.74 28.95 31.31 31.24
Diesel (L) 46,629.76 43,474.67 52,555.50 30,086.67
Avg. price (NTD/L) 19.46 24.68 27.36 27.65
Natural gas (m33) - - 52 175
Avg. price (NTD/m3) - - 10.38 10.38
Electricity (KWh) 461,978,292.09 536,104,661.12 554,303,746.41 564,036,732.41
Avg. price (NTD/KWh) 3.30 3.30 3.60 3.60
Total costs of energy consumption (NTD) $1,544,403,991 $1,796,339,900 $2,016,727,531 2,050,370,503
Total Renewable Energy Purchased or Generated for Own Consumption
Items FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
green electricity purchased (MWh) 205.01 7,253.59 25,564.93 36,002.63
Solar power from TWM generators (MWH) 383.93 364.81 486.00 366.00
Wind power from TWM generators (MWH) - - - -
T-REC (MWH) - - 86.00 162.00
I-REC (MWH) - - - -
total renewable energy purchased or generated (MWH) 588.93 7,618.39 26,136.93 36,530.63
TWM RE100 Pathway
Average PUE on Data Center Efficiency
Average PUE   FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 target for FY 2023
Average PUE   1.73  1.67  1.65  1.63  1.65
Coverage (% of total ICT population) ICT
population defined as:
Percentage of data center energy input
100%  100%  100%  100%   
Share of Renewable Energy in Data Centers
Data Center Energy Usage FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 renewable energy target for FY 2023
Total energy used in data centers (MWh) 28456  32675  37825  37471  42840 
Percentage of renewable
energy (of total energy)
1.82  23.32  68.87  97.5  30