Material Issues

Taiwan Mobile identifies and assesses material sustainability issues which relates to the environment, governance and social impacts on the organization’s business operation and its internal and external stakeholders.

  • Materiality analysis conducted/reviewed: Annually.
  • Involvement of external stakeholders in identifying the material issues: Investigate stakeholders' level of concern/degree of influence of the Company on the society via stakeholders’ online survey and held at-least one stakeholder seminar annually.
  • Materiality assessment integrated in company's ERM process: Materiality assessment prioritizes strategic goals based on impact significance, considering key factors which include operational importance, stakeholder interest, and societal impact, in alignment with risk management policies.
  • The principle of Materiality assessment: we based on the double materiality to identify the internal impact on the business as well as external impact on society and the environment.
  • Materiality assessment process verification: We announces and provides the result of the materiality analysis in our 2023 ESG report, and had been completed assurance by the third-party, KPMG via "GRI Standards" in June 2024, so that the process of the materiality analysis had been included as well. The Assurance Statement please refer to
  • Materiality assessment results signed off: In 2023, the 24 sustainability issues were discussed by the ways of online surveys, stakeholder seminar and ESG working group, the ESG steering committee and finally approved by the board of directors.
Materiality analysis process

Based on the three-step identification process, 24 sustainability issues have been summarized in 2023. We conduct and review our materiality analysis at least annually to ensure our material issues align with the global and local trends.

The results of the materiality analysis have been incorporated into the company's Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process as a key reference. The Risk Management Committee is subsequently responsible for monitoring and strictly controlling risk management-related issues to ensure continuous improvement. In 2023, 21 risks were identified, with 6 of these being included in TWM's Top 6 material issues for the year. These include network quality and coverage, customer experience, technological innovation, green applications and operations, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and talent development and retention.

The materiality analysis process is included annually in the sustainability report's assurance scope and has obtained an Independent Limited Assurance Report to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the process.

Step1:Research on International Trends: The Telecommunications Industry's Focus on Sustainability Themes and Trends

Consider Taiwan Mobile's operations, business relationships, sustainable ESG goals, eight major stakeholders, and international sustainability information sources. Thesesources include SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) themes, GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) sustainability reporting standards,DJSI (Dow Jones Sustainability Indices) sustainability ratings, and industry-specific sustainability themes and trends.

Step2:Survey on opinions of CXO and external stakeholders
  • Determine TWM’s 24 material sustainability issues through internal ESG CXO-level working group meetings
  • In 2023, public opinions were collected through the official website, and a total of 696 valid questionnaires were collected
  • Invited 23 representatives of eight key stakeholders to exchange opinions through physical symposiums
Step3:Analyze & produce dual materiality matrix

The opinions of the three major channels in Step 2 are integrated and analyzed through a matrix based on the principle of dual significance to produce a positive/negative matrix of Taiwan Mobile's material Issues.

Axis Factors Considered Assessment Method
Axis x Financial materiality
  • Financial impact (comprehensive assessment of the impact on the impact subject)
Axis y Impact materiality
  • Impact degree (comprehensive assessment of scale, scope, disastrousness)
  • Possibility of occurrence (comprehensive assessment of probability, speed or frequency of occurrence)
  • Degree of stakeholder attention (evaluate the degree of influence of external stakeholders on the decision-making of this issue)

Plus, the process of materiality analysis incorporated the concept of double materiality in each (Environment), S(social), G(Governance) different facings. To evaluating the impact of the external environment on TWM (such as market competitiveness, operations, cash flow, capital acquisition, legal liability, long-term shareholder value, etc.), it also considers the external impact of TWM's operating activities (The degree of impact on the environment and people, which in turn affects reputation and partnerships). The results showed on the Material Issue Matrix.

Materiality Analysis

The material Issues of Taiwan Mobile 2023 were decided on 24 key sustainability issues by the ESG Working Group members (11 members) and further compiled the opinions of internal and external stakeholders, including: Sustainable Development Subcommittee members (11 members), stakeholder representatives ( 23) and public (696th), based on the principle of dual materiality, evaluating each topic's "impact on TWM's own operations and finances" and "impact on society and the environment", and ranking the positive and negative dual materiality matrix; the first six key themes are as follows in order: network quality and coverage, technological innovation and application, talent development and retention, climate change mitigation and adaptation, green applications and operations, and customer experience.

TWM’s Dual Materiality Matrix (positive)
TWM’s Dual Materiality Matrix (negative)
Material Issues for Enterprise Value Creation
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  Material Issue 1 Material Issue 2 Material Issue 3
Material Risk or Opportunity impacting company’s business Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Talent development and retention Technological Innovation Application
Business Case material to company’s business Excessive GHG emissions led to global warming, causing climate change and increasing the frequency of extreme rainfall. Taiwan, being in a subtropical area, often experiences extreme rainfall. For TWM, 97% of GHG emissions come from electricity consumption. To provide the best experience for our customers to enjoy telecommunications services from anywhere, we have built base stations in various locations, including low-lying areas and regions frequently experiencing extreme rainfall. Therefore, extreme rainfall is the most serious physical risk for TWM. The resulting damage includes telecom infrastructure, unstable power and water supply, leading to operational interruptions and additional costs. TWM uses extreme rainfall as a measure of hazard, flooding, landslides, and mudslides as measures of vulnerability, and each operation site as a measure of exposure. We estimate the financial impact of these physical risks and implement management measures to mitigate operational disruptions. Taiwan Mobile firmly believes that talent is the key to sustaining core competitiveness and represents the company's most valuable intangible asset. However, amid global trends of declining birth rates and an aging population, recruiting has become increasingly challenging. Consequently, talent retention and the development of additional employee competencies have become crucial to mitigating the risks of a workforce shortage.
Creating an environment where exceptional employees are willing to stay will significantly reduce the costs associated with recruiting and training new hires. Conversely, if companies do not actively engage in talent development and retention, they will face even greater losses.
To elaborate, career development has become one of the key factors influencing an employee's decision to stay with a company. Without providing comprehensive development or training programs, the risk of talent attrition may increase.
Trends show that innovation continues to create new business opportunities. To maintain our leadership in the industry, TWM focuses on 5G, Big Data, AI, and IoT. These technologies are becoming more diverse, personalized, faster, and stronger, bringing new requirements and threats. Continuous innovation introduces new industry players, intensifying competition.
Our company strategically leverages 5G, IoT, and AI to connect people, objects, and virtual spaces, envisioning a future life beyond imagination. By fostering a more comfortable and beautiful ecological system, we enhance technology, achieve positive customer experience and brings revenue. This innovative approach drives sustainable growth, reduces environmental impact, and positions us at the forefront of industry advancements, ensuring long-term competitiveness and financial success.
Business Impact Cost Risk Revenue
Business strategies To achieve net-zero emissions goal, TWM adopt energy-saving equipment and various environmental management:
  1. Group-wide science based target in place with annual/long term carbon reduction targets and renewable energy target.
  2. Actively invest in energy saving and low carbon measures, such as plans to build a solar energy plant and purchase renewable energy.
  3. Enhance the weather resistance of base stations and telecommunications rooms. Adaptation:
a. Telecommunications room, base stations are configured with backup battery and generators.
b. Increase base stations in areas prone to natural disaster and ensure that they will be equipped with electricity generators.
c. Increase the number of high weather resistance power module, battery, and mobile relief vehicle.
d. Telecommunications equipment are insured to reduce loss during extreme climate events.
e. Apply water storage tank which can supply water continuously for 48 hours.
f. Improved extreme weather event SOP to increase resilience.
TWM implementing the following strategies:
  1. Creating a diverse and enriching learning and development environment, conducting annual employee training needs interviews and surveys, and providing quarterly references for each business group manager.
  2. Offering employees diverse learning channels, Individual Development Plans (IDPs), and support for interdisciplinary professional learning exchanges. Quarterly tracking of employees' training and development data is also conducted.
  3. Providing open and transparent communication channels, conducting annual employee opinion surveys, monthly cross-level communications to understand factors influencing employee commitment and retention, devising improvement plans, and tracking implementation progress and effectiveness quarterly. Monthly all-staff communication meetings include an employee question section to address concerns and issues promptly through communication, handling, and feedback.
TWM leverages the strengths of Kbro, momo, and AppWorks to develop business talent, enhance value chain integration, and expand its scope as a Telco+Tech company. By integrating IoT and AI services with energy-efficient IDC, TWM minimizes environmental impact while advancing smart applications for industries and daily life, fostering a sustainable positive cycle.
TWM sets business innovation KPIs and has established an Innovation Committee to oversee execution. Major innovation areas include:
  1. Online and Offline Synergies: MyVideo, GFN, etc.
  2. Enterprise Services Integration: OP Biz, 5G, IoT, cloud and ESG solutions, etc.
  3. Broadband Service Improvement: Smart home and security, etc.
  4. AI Anti-Fraud: Anti-Fraud service, Number Masking Service, etc.
  5. Customer Innovation: Double Play, OP Life, MyCharge, etc.
In sum, TWM aims to create sustainable products and services, drive industry progress with energy-efficient tech, and deliver safe, high-quality service to customers.
Target /Metric The Environmental Management Working Group formulates environmental target and strategies to promote various environmentally policies within the company. 97% of TWM’s carbon emission come from electricity consumption, so TWM mainly focus on adopting energy-saving equipment and increasing the usage of renewable energy.
Meetings are held every six months to track performance, establish improvement areas, and regularly monitor progress. Among these TWM set three goals is a targets by 2035 including:
  1. Reducing energy intensity by 90% compared to the baseline year 2016.
  2. The usage of renewable energy by 60%.
  3. Achieving 100% resilient infrastructure for server rooms.
Based on development needs, TWM has set the following targets to achieve by 2035:
  1. Planning diverse learning channels with a target of achieving 50 training hours per person annually by 2035.
  2. Regarding employee engagement targets for 2035:
    -Recognition of a friendly work environment should reach 77%.
    -Recognition of dedication should reach 79%.
TWM has five long-term goals for users and members of innovative products and services, aiming to reach 59.06 million users:
  1. Online and Offline Synergies :Integrate online and offline efforts to boost user engagement through major events and top product agencies, driving new media growth.
    Goal for 2035: 45.0 million users.
  2. Enterprise Services Integration: Offer vertical application and integration services for enterprise customers.
    Goal for 2035: 2,461K customers
  3. Broadband Service Improvement: Enhance broadband services with value-added features like AI store and home protection to boost ARPU and revenue.
    Goal for 2035: 519K users.
  4. AI Anti-Fraud Innovations: Promote digital transformation for small and medium stores with security, anti-fraud innovations.
    Goal for 2035: 242K users.
  5. Customer Innovation: Double Play Project combine mobile and fiber internet for seamless service (249k users); OP Life one-stop shop for integrated home video entertainment (70k) Goal for 2035: 249K
Target Year 2035 2035 2035
Progress The Environmental Management Working Group formulates environmental target and strategies to promote various environmentally policies within the company. Meetings are held every six months to track performance, establish improvement areas, and regularly monitor progress.
In 2023, Three targets performance :
  1. The energy consumption intensity reduced 68.2% compared to the baseline year 2016 (The target was set in 2023 to achieve an energy intensity of 69% reduction from the 2016 baseline year.)
  2. The usage of renewable energy increased 6.08% compared to the target. (The usage of renewable energy target for 2023 was set at 5%)
  3. Achieving 100% resilient infrastructure for server rooms.
The target will be review annually.
  1. In 2023, the average training hours per person through diverse learning channels reached 58.3 hours, surpassing the target of 50 hours set for 2023, indicating goal achievement.
  2. In 2023 recognition of a friendly work environment was 85%, exceeding the 2023 target of 74%.
  3. In 2023 recognition of dedication was 84%, surpassing the 2023 target of 75%.
TWM continuously integrating synergies to launch products and services, the progress under the 5 long-term goals are as follows:
  • Online and Offline Synergies :reached 28,276K users.
  • Enterprise Services Integration:622K customers
  • Broadband Service Improvement: 353 K households
  • AI Anti-Fraud:3K companies.
    -Number Masking Service: Protected over 17 million calls and the personal data of 200 million users
    -Anti-Fraud Service: Processed over 30 billion data points daily
  • Customer Innovation: 209K users
    -MyCharge has built 100 stations
In 2023, TWM reached 31.40 million users with its innovative products and services.
Executive Compensation Climate-related KPIs are incorporated into the senior management's ESG performance indicators. Including above KPIs: The energy intensity, the usage of renewable energy and resilient infrastructure for server rooms.
The compensations of senior manager adjustments are linked to ESG performance, including performance related to climate change, with a linkage ratio of 30%
The employee training hours and employee engagement targets are incorporated into the senior management's ESG performance indicators.
The compensations of senior manager adjustments are linked to ESG performance, including performance related to talent development and retention, with a linkage ratio of 30%.
The Technological Innovation Application targets are incorporated into the senior management's ESG performance indicators. Including the above KPIs:
Smart innovation and application, enhance Smart life and home.
The compensations of senior manager adjustments are linked to ESG performance, including performance related to technological Innovation Application, with a linkage ratio of 30%.

Material Issues for External Stakeholders
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  Impact 1 Impact 2
Material Issue for External Stakeholders Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation  Technology Innovation and application
Cause of the external impact and the
coverage of the business activity that has been considered in the assessment.
Products and services, which is cover over 50% of the business actitvity. Products and services, which is cover over 50% of the business actitvity.
External stakeholder(s)/impact area(s) evaluation Environment & Consumers/end -users.
Both combined in positive and negative impacts.
Society & Consumers/end -users.
Both combined in positive and negative impacts.
Topic relevance on external stakeholders Taiwan Mobile has made concrete commitments to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, and actively adopts energy-efficient equipment, develops green products and services to promote the low-carbon transformation of the telecommunications industry. This enables consumers and clients to access services that are both low-carbon and of high quality.
The positive impact is that TWM provides a variety of low-carbon online products or services. These electronic products and services will not only enhance TWM's position as an environmentally friendly telecommunications company, but will also increase revenue, and the introduction of all products and services means that opportunities to avoid greenhouse gas emissions.
The negative impact is that
the phenomenon of global warming has resulted in extreme climate events, causing intensified windstorms and increasing damage to outdoor base stations, increasing the risk of not being able to provide stable service, leading to a poor network and service experience for consumers, which could impact TWM's market competitiveness.
Positive impact:
Integrate the advantages of group companies such as cableTV, e-commerce, and AppWorks innovations. Construct a sustainable ultra-5G ecosystem with five major aspects.
Continue to cultivate new business talents and value chain integration capabilities, expand business scope and depth, and transform into a technology company.
Develop services on society, “Digital inclusion”, Bilingual online, Tablet for everyone, Coding fun, Digital learning center and Digital Wings.
Negative impact:
The continuous innovation of technology has brought players from new categories into the market and that coupled with existing players catching up has made market competition fierce.
To provide the better service for customers. Keep innovating products and services on GeForce Now, M+ enterprise telephone exchange and cloud telephone exchange, Internet of Things/Internet of Vehicles, smart streetlights and diversified telecom bill collection and payment (DCB) services.
Output Metric 633,306 tCO2e 24,490,456 people
Impact Valuation Environmental value lost/ gained, assessed by True Value Access by True Value to product/service with positive impact provided
Impact Metric 975,789,516 NTD 1,514,760,024 NTD