Online Strategies & Customers Online

Under our focus on Online Strategies & Customers Online, our efforts continue to drive the development of online services. In 2023, we are in the post-COVID-19 era. With the easing of the pandemic, the previously increased online users are gradually shifting towards physical consumption, leading to changes in the online market environment. Despite the challenging online landscape in 2023, we remain steadfast in our commitment to expanding online user engagement and increasing revenue.

We maintain our emphasis on optimizing customer online analysis capabilities to acquire and retain customers. Our systems are still diligently capturing and analyzing customer data, extracting valuable insights through big data technologies to optimize customer interactions and drive revenue growth.

The provision of multiple e-services remains our promise, aimed at providing a pleasant experience for customers. From customer service applications to social media platforms, we continue to foster loyalty and build stronger customer relationships.

Our portfolio of online products continues to set us apart in the market, enhancing customers' digital experiences. Through offerings such as MyVideo, Gaming services, Number Masking Service and more, we strive to deepen our penetration into customers' daily lives and boost user engagement.

Despite the challenges faced by the online market in 2023, we believe that through continued efforts and innovation, we can adapt to change and achieve sustained growth in our online business. We will remain attentive to market dynamics, adjust our strategies flexibly, and collaborate closely with customers to explore new opportunities in the digital realm.

% of Customers Using Online Services Solutions/sales Platform
Content 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 Target
% of total customers using online services solutions/sales platform 68 65 72 72 72
% of Revenues Generated Online
Content 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 Target
% of revenues generated online 42 42 43 42 42