Social emergency responses capabilities

Mobile base stations
  • 36 mobile broadband base stations installed
  • Used 10 times in 2023
When a disaster causes base stations to be disconnected or special events are held in locations with insufficient capacity or coverage, mobile base stations can provide temporary coverage and capacity to continue mobile communications services. In 2023, a total of 10 social emergency support operations and drills were conducted, including: Wanhua District, Taipei City, Daan District, Taipei City, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, and Nanliao Fishing Port, Hsinchu City.
These operations included disaster prevention drills, Typhoon Khanun response, rescue operations in Ren'ai Township, Nantou County (set up at Ren'ai Township Nantou County and Togan, Ren'ai Township Nantou County Village, Ren'ai Township); and various exercises with the National Fire Agency and local civil security teams such as Zhushan Town, Nantou County, National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior Training Center PPDR communication system verification, Tainan City Wan An Exercise No. 46, Chiayi Civil Security Exercise No. 9 and Kaohsiung City NCC Disaster Prevention Mobile Communication Platform (vehicle-mounted base station base station) exercise.

Disaster Prevention SMS
  • A total of 58 drills held in 2023
  • 921 National Disaster Prevention Day drills were carried out 8 times, and warning broadcasts made 6,342 times
A nationwide disaster prevention warning broadcast message drill was conducted in coordination with 921 National Disaster Prevention Day. In 2023, a total of 58 drills were carried out to meet the needs of government agencies at all levels, and 6,342 actual disaster prevention warning broadcasts were released by disaster prevention agencies. TWM continues to cooperate with the government's "Science and Technology Application for Disaster Relief" initiatives, expanding the applications and functions of the disaster prevention application service platform. This enhances the promotion of disaster prevention warning Cell Broadcast services to safeguard users' rights and interests and help strengthen the effectiveness of disaster prevention and relief efforts.

Disaster prevention and Contingency Rehearsal
  • Strengthen digital resilience and complete Disaster Roaming
TWM, as a robust supporter of the country's critical communications infrastructure, actively participated in the National Fire Agency’s 2023 National Disaster Prevention Day Large-scale Earthquake Disaster Relief Mobilization Drill. This marked the first "Disaster Roaming" drill, involving nearly 200 man-days. Through cross-network roaming, it simulated communication response capabilities during disasters, ensuring that people can continue to use mobile telecommunications across different operators to receive accurate government information. This drill highlighted the critical role of communication infrastructure in disaster response. Moving forward, we will continue to enhance the reliability of communication networks to ensure the public always enjoys a secure communication environment.

Disaster Prevention Mobile Communication Platform
  • Built 9 fixed-point Disaster Prevention Mobile Communication Platforms
  • Optimized 30 existing mobile communication platforms
  • Equipped 1 mobile vehicle
In conjunction with NCC's "Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program - Strengthening Disaster Response Communication Infrastructure Project, "9 designated Disaster Prevention Mobile Communication Platforms with power backup of more than 72 hours were built in 2023. Additionally, 30 mobile communication platforms were optimized, and 1 mobile vehicle was equipped. These enhancements ensure that emergency mobile communication services can be effectively provided in disaster areas when mains power is interrupted, facilitating disaster relief operations, allowing people to ask for help, and maintaining a degree of normalcy in daily life.