Waste Management Program

Action plans to reduce waste generation

TWM has established of Environmental Management Committee, the committee is in charge of formulating environmental goals and strategies, and to promote the Company's various environmentally friendly policies. In addition, 6 task forces including ISO14001 (environmental management), ISO14064 (greenhouse gas inventory), ISO50001 (energy management), smart energy saving, renewable energy and protection of biodiversity were integrated.

Quantified targets to minimize waste

The waste reduction target: Reduce total non-recyclable waste by 19%(229 metric tonnes) compared to 2017, the actual reduction was 23.7%(285 metric tonnes).

Investment in innovation or R&D to minimize waste

TWM has invested in a research project on the recycling of waste optical cables. Through new processes and material research and development, in addition to dismantling and separating waste optical cables, waste optical cables can also directly replace the reinforced concrete tension stirrups in the construction industry without dismantling, transforming them into It is a building material with structural significance.

Through research and testing, it was found that optical cables can achieve the same strength as ordinary reinforced concrete, or even better than industry structural standards. When used in building structures, it is estimated that nearly 28% of stirrups can be replaced by waste optical cables, directly reducing the use of original steel. demand, it will be of great help to the environment and industry, and it is also expected to create greater economic benefits.

Waste reduction training provided to employees

TWM announces our Environmental and Energy Policy as well as relevant environmental regulations on a regular basis every year. We urge our colleagues to actively engage in energy-saving and carbon reduction efforts, contributing to the well-being of our planet. Waste reduction training is provided on our intranet. Additionally, we offer monthly statistics on office water usage, electricity consumption, waste generation, and printing volumes from office machines. This is to promote various energy-saving measures among our colleagues, enhancing their environmental awareness.

Integration of recycling programs to reduce the waste sent to landfill
  1. Recycle business waste
  2. Use environmentally friendly lithium batteries
  3. Optimize routing of cables
  4. Reduce the amount of rubber
Waste diversion from landfill is certified by an independent accredited body

In 2023, we strengthened waste disposed reduce measures, so our total waste disposed and total waste disposed divided by revenue curve decreased, and our key measures to reduce waste include:

(A) Circular Economy Strategies - reduce waste at source:
i. TWM cooperates with the main supplier NOKIA, for long-term equipment maintenance, repair, reducing the purchase of equipment by 10%, and the generation of future waste.

ii. TWM extend the service life of power supply for telecom devices, to reduce the purchase of equipment, and the generation of future waste.

(B) Office-generated waste management: Random weighting checks shall be implemented to ensure the accuracy of the current statistics on office-generated waste.

(C) Procure eco-friendly lithium batteries and decrease the number of aged VRLA batteries.

(D) Set up optimal, shortest cable routes to reduce the amount of plastic wire tubing. Note:
i. Calculation instructions: According to Taiwan’s EPA, in 2023 non recyclable/non-reusable municipal wastes, deducting recyclable refuse and other waste materials requiring special processing, 93.38% of the waste is incinerated,3.32% is landfilled and 3.3% is used other disposal measures

Following are the recyclable rate (by weight) of the industrial wastes according to our contractors: About 81.1% of the waste cable can be reused. About 45.1% of optical cable can be reused. About 45% of VRLA batteries can be reused. About 95.76% of telecommunication equipment can be reused.

iii. Domestic waste is collected by a qualified contractor and becomes municipal waste, with only 3.32% of it ending up in landfill and the rest would be incinerated for energy recovery.

Waste recycled/ reused, and disposed
  Unit FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 target for FY 2023
Total waste recycled/ reused metric tonnes 1024.5867 835.1277 838.5945 1067.4138
metric tonnes
Total waste disposed metric tonnes 924.4605 789.9376 664.8243 918.6442
metric tonnes
metric tonnes
- Waste landfilled metric tonnes 23.9435 31.1235 30.7149 30.4990
metric tonnes
- Waste incinerated with energy recovery metric tonnes 900.5169 758.814 634.1095 857.8300
metric tonnes
- Waste incinerated without energy recovery metric tonnes 0 0      
- Waste otherwise disposed, please specify:
Includes: composting, general landfill, packaging, marketing, wilderness burning and temporary waste storage.
metric tonnes 0 0   30.3135
metric tonnes
- Waste with unknown disposal method metric tonnes 0.0001 metric tonnes 0.0001 metric tonnes -0.0001
metric tonnes
0.0017 metric tonnes  
Data coverage (as % of
percentage of:Revenue 100 100 100