Integration Strategy Of Sustainable Supply Chain

Key Performance

  • Formulated four key supplier management strategies
  • Complete desk/off-site reviews of GHG inventory for 147 suppliers and on-site GHG emission audits for 10 suppliers
  • Achieve a 20% GHG emission reduction in supply chain by 2030 from 2020 level

TWM is committed to achieving responsible and sustainable procurement management, as well as building a comprehensive and complete sustainable supply chain through constant improvement and innovation. To this end, we have identified four key strategic objectives for supplier management:

Quality management
Stable service
Risk control
Sustainability implementation

Carbon Management

Based on Zetta Connected 2030, TWM has set the goal of reducing 20% of carbon emission from the supply chain to become more eco-friendly. In addition to organizing training for suppliers on greenhouse gas and carbon management, we ran a pilot program for carbon inventory in 2019. The desk review of 2018 GHG data for 147 suppliers and on-site GHG emission audits for 10 suppliers were completed. TWM will continue to help partners conduct comprehensive inventory for sources of greenhouse gas emissions and improve the quality of the GHG emission data, so as to review the actual carbon emissions of the supply chain as a reference for the subsequent reduction plan and performance tracking.