Major Shareholders

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Top 10 Shareholders Total Shares Owned Holding Percentage Note 2
Note 1 TFN Union Investment Co., Ltd. 410,665,284 11.03%
Note 1 TCC Investment Co., Ltd. 200,496,761 5.38%

Ming Dong Co., Ltd.

184,736,452 4.96%
Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd.


Fubon Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 150,880,400 4.05%
Cathay Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 144,714,900 3.89%
Ting An Development Co., Ltd 130,992,705 3.52%
Dao Ying Co., Ltd. 113,609,742 3.05%
Richard M. Tsai 93,310,663 2.51%
Note 1 TCCI Investment & Development Co., Ltd. 87,589,556 2.35%
Note 1: 100% owned by TWM.
Note 2: As of April 23, 2024, Taiwan Mobile has 3,723,261,811 shares outstanding.
  Government agencies Financial institutions Other institutions Individuals Foreign institutions
and individuals
No. of shareholders 7 19 471 78,844 850 80,191
Total shares owned 291,729,856


1,729,376,761 496,414,408 541,739,628 3,723,261,811
Holding percentage (%) 7.84 17.83 46.45 13.33 14.55 100.00
Note 1: As of April 23, 2024, Taiwan Mobile has 3,723,261,811 shares outstanding.
Note 2: No government agency individually owns more than 5% of the total shares and voting rights.