Taiwan Mobile Releases First Chinese TNFD Report, Promoting Nature and Biodiversity Protection and Analyzing Impacts and Dependencies on Nature

August 08,2024

Taiwan Mobile has incorporated environmental and economic factors into its future strategic considerations. Following the publication of the industry's first TCFD report (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) in October 2023, Taiwan Mobile has now released the telecommunications industry's first TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures) report in Chinese on August 2. Taiwan Mobile, referencing the disclosure indicators recommended in the TNFD V1.0 version, conducted the most comprehensive analysis of nature dependencies, impacts, risks, and opportunities in the telecommunications industry based on the LEAP (Locate, Evaluate, Assess, Prepare) methodology. This analysis covers 100% of its operational sites, including offices, stores, data centers, and base stations, extending to its 450 global suppliers. Through the TNFD report, Taiwan Mobile delves into early warning mechanisms and management practices relevant to the telecommunications service industry. It also examines sustainable products and green services that can positively impact nature, establishing corresponding indicators and management objectives. Additionally, Taiwan Mobile has launched two major biodiversity projects that cover both mountainous and oceanic areas. These include leveraging IoT technology to enhance the research efforts surrounding Taiwan's salamanders and creating Taiwan's first community-driven "AI Ocean" marine biological database, which features AI recognition capabilities.


In the TNFD report, Taiwan Mobile demonstrates its commitment to nature and biodiversity. As early as 2022, the company released its declaration on “Biodiversity Conservation and No Deforestation” and designated 2023 as the "Taiwan Mobile Biodiversity Year." In May 2023, Taiwan Mobile took the lead in the industry by implementing TNFD’s analytical framework, and in August 2024, it published its first TNFD report. The report highlights five key areas: 1) Taiwan Mobile is the first telecom company in Taiwan to issue a TNFD report based on the V1.0 framework; 2) The report received approval from the company's Sustainability Development Committee at the board level, which ensures thorough governance concerning nature and climate issues; 3) The analysis encompasses both regulated and unregulated areas, providing a comprehensive evaluation of all global ecologically sensitive areas; 4) It accounts for 100% of the company's operational locations, including offices and base stations; and 5) It extends to 450 global suppliers, addressing the nature-related dependencies and impacts in the supply chain.


Chairman Daniel Tsai: Achieve Net Zero Emissions and Positive Biodiversity Impact by 2050


In the report, Taiwan Mobile chairman Daniel Tsai emphasized that, alongside addressing the climate crisis, preventing biodiversity loss and preserving ecosystems have become critical global challenges. Companies are required to not only bolster their resilience but also discover new avenues for growth and innovation fueled by sustainability. Taiwan Mobile's 2024 TNFD report represents a significant milestone in the company’s commitment to nature and biodiversity. By analyzing nature dependencies and impacts across its operations and value chain, Taiwan Mobile is committed to achieving a positive biodiversity impact and ending deforestation. The company is also implementing strategies like EV100, RE100, and Net Zero to reduce environmental impacts, aiming for net zero emissions by 2050. With digital capabilities at its core, Taiwan Mobile is promoting biodiversity conservation through initiatives such as salamander research and AI Ocean. Moving forward, the company will also dedicate resources to blue carbon ecosystem restoration, strengthening Taiwan's natural carbon sinks and enriching coastal biodiversity, as a commitment to shared prosperity for the planet and future generations.


Partnering with Global Suppliers to Strengthen Green Value Chain


Taiwan Mobile oversees governance on environmental and climate matters through its board-level "Sustainability Development Committee." This committee establishes policies and objectives while routinely monitoring and assessing performance. The company remains dedicated to creating products and services that benefit the environment, further enhancing its commitment to nature and biodiversity.


Taiwan Mobile conducted a full analysis of all ecologically sensitive areas, focusing on two key aspects: the company’s dependence on and impact on nature through its operations. This thorough examination covered 100% of the company's operational sites, including offices, stores, data centers, and base stations. It assessed how business activities affect nature and ecosystems, along with the associated risks and opportunities, and extended the evaluation to its global supplier network. Taiwan Mobile also works with supply chain partners to establish management actions that minimize negative climate impacts, striving together to reduce environmental impacts.


Protecting Biodiversity: Salamander Conservation and AI Ocean Initiative


Taiwan Mobile is leveraging its digital capabilities to launch two diverse and concurrent biodiversity projects, that cover both mountainous and oceanic areas. In collaboration with a research team from National Taiwan University, the company is contributing to salamander research by employing IoT technology and resources. Additionally, it has teamed up with the social innovation group BlueTrend to create "AI Ocean," Taiwan’s inaugural AI-driven marine biology database, aimed at promoting marine biodiversity. Taiwan Mobile is also working with value chain partners, integrating biodiversity-related questions into the ESG supplier questionnaire and encouraging over 100 supply chain partners to sign the "Biodiversity Commitment." The company will continue investing in blue carbon ecosystem restoration, which will enrich coastal habitats and bolster Taiwan’s natural carbon sinks, while also focusing on biodiversity preservation.