Taiwan Mobile takes its 8th Taiwan Corporate Social Responsibility Awards (TCSA), winning the top 10 "Most Prestigious Sustainability Award"

November 28,2022

First in the telecommunications industry Elevating the sustainability committee to be included in the board of directors  putting corporate governance into action


The Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) held its 15th annual "Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCAS)" ceremony on Oct. 16. Taiwan Mobile took its 8th the "Most Prestigious Sustainability Award," scoring a total of seven major awards.


In addition to the TCSA's "Most Prestigious Sustainability Award -- Top Ten Domestic Corporates" category, it also grabbed four other sustainability awards in "Climate Change Leadership Award," "Sustainable Supply Chain Leadership Award," "Social Inclusion Leadership Award" and "Talent Development Leadership Award," as well as a "Platinum Award" on sustainability reporting in Chinese language and a "Silver Award" of Global Corporate Sustainability Awards (GCSA) on sustainability reporting in English.


The winning of a plethora of awards is a demonstration that Taiwan Mobile's commitment to ESG (environment, social and governance) has been widely recognized by judges.


In terms of sustainability, Taiwan Mobile leads the telecommunications industry in three aspects. Namely, having the highest number of independent directors on its board of directors, joining RE100 -- a global initiative bringing together the world's most influential businesses committed to 100 percent renewable electricity -- in March this year, and raising its "sustainability committee" to its board level, with its chairman serving as the convener to supervise the operations of the committee-- making Taiwan Mobile the first telecommunications company to do so.


"Taiwan Mobile has always regarded sustainable development as its highest principle," Taiwan Mobile Chairman Daniel Tsai said.

 Through the "sustainability committee," it supervises the company's existing  operations, environment management, innovation development, brand management, and the functions of all ad hoc units and the "occupational safety committee," with each unit having a vice president to serve as its leader.


On Nov. 9, a meeting was held to audit all the ESG aspects of each function and increase the depth and width of sustainability within the company.


"Taiwan Mobile has never stalled its pursuit of ESG, while paying long-term attention to climate change issues and catching up with the global standard of promoting sustainability," Tsai said.


"Taiwan Mobile is fully committed to decreasing the impact its operations have on the environment, while creating the benefits of industry to build a better future of society," he said.


Taiwan Mobile's efforts in corporate governance have been comprehensively recognized. Not only has it been selected as one of the top 5 percent companies in "Corporate Governance Review" for eight consecutive years, but also its management team was given this year the title of the "Most Honored Company" in the Asia Executive Team Survey in the category of telecommunications industry (not including PRC) by the world famous media outlet "Institutional Investor."


Taiwan Mobile this year also ranked the 5th best listed company in the "Greater China Business Sustainability Index (GCBSI)," out of a total of 200 listed companies from the region, the highest ranking ever clinched by Taiwanese companies in the review.


Environment has also been one of Taiwan Mobile's key focuses. Since 2015, it has been promoting the concept of "green energy." In 2016, it set "Taiwan Mobile Green Energy, Sustainable Future" as its motto, and in 2018, it introduced Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in response to the global climate change trends in conjunction with its own telecommunications services development. Taiwan Mobile has further taken climate change risks into account when analyzing possible impact on its finances.


Taiwan Mobile's efforts to catch up with the global trends in carbon reduction and in the use of renewable energy also enabled the company to claim the "Climate Change Leadership Award" seven times.


In addition, Taiwan Mobile is keen to bring about "industrial restructuring and development," "building synergy in key resources" and "improving the efficiency in telecommunications infrastructure" so as to cut carbon emissions.


To realize these ambitions, Taiwan Mobile proposed a merger with Taiwan Star -- a smaller telecommunications company. If permitted, the planned  merger would decrease the repeated maintenance of one set 3G network and make it possible to close thousands of overlapping 4G cell towers to save power and reduce carbon emissions in Taiwan.


Taiwan Mobile also uses key performance indicators to assess ESG performances of its suppliers, with an aim to lead both upstream and downstream suppliers to create a low carbon and sustainable supply chain. Such efforts have been recognized and helped it win the "Sustainable Supply Chain Leadership Award."


Taiwan Mobile has been promoting a charity green energy program "Solar for Good" for six years in a row, where suppliers and customers are brought together under the initiative. Over 10,000 people have participated in its donation campaign, crowdfunding NT$28.65 million that was used to build solar panels capable of producing 524.7 kW of power.


The solar panels are expected to generate NT$72.85 million in revenue and put out 11.1 million kWh of green energy for a span of 20 years. This could help decrease 5,778 metric tons of carbon, roughly the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by 15 Da'an forest parks per year, and provide a steady cash flow for some charitable groups for the next 20 years.


Seeing its employees as partners, Taiwan Mobile came out this year with "TWM Human OS Upgrade v.2022," a talent recruitment platform focused on "learning," "skill accumulation" and "talent retention" to allow workers to diversify their talents by providing them with a competitive salary to retain them and attract new hires.


The creation of the platform helped Taiwan Mobile seize the honor of "Talent Development Leadership Award" this year.


A happy workplace has also been a focus of Taiwan Mobile. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan Mobile was the first company to encourage work from home to protect the health of employees. It also established a hybrid form of organization which allowed workers to enjoy 10 days of work from home.


At the same time, a childcare benefit package surpassing the legal requirement was offered. Starting this year, a subsidy of NT$60,000 is granted for each child born to Taiwan Mobile employees, largely up from NT$3,000.


Employees with children under 6 will receive an additional NT$10,000 of child-rearing benefits annually, up to NT$120,000 per year, in conjunction with a "child-rearing credit loan package" that offers workers low-interest rate loan to help reduce their economic burden on raising children.


In terms of social aspect, Taiwan Mobile started last year an "educational tablet fund raising initiative" for students living in remote areas.


In collaboration with seven non-profit organizations, it launched two waves of  campaigns collecting tablets for less privileged students, allowing them to be equipped and take part in distance education. A total of 2,257 tablets were collected in two months.


This year, another campaign that saw the participation of circular economy and charity groups sought to donate 1,200 second-hand tablets and phones to students in remote areas. The goal was to promote smart circular economy by encouraging people to donate their used smart phones or tablets as means of giving their love and care.


What's more, Taiwan Mobile has taken part in over 20 social inclusion initiatives under the theme "Embrace Technology with Love" to offer services on multiple aspects ranging from care for community, technology welfare, technology inclusion to emergency social aid packages, so as to allow the seeds of technology to grow in remote areas.


Through its "Bilingual Online" program, Taiwan Mobile also had 20 English volunteers offer distance learning to students from remote areas during 1,028 hours online with them. This action has gained recognition from judges and helped Taiwan Mobile grab the "Social Inclusion Leadership Award."